Thursday, November 13, 2008

November 2008 Report

The upper Laguna Madre has been producing some small Trout on live Shrimp bait. Red fish are schooled up in the shallow flats and Flounder are showing up for there annual run to spawn. We have been finding large schools of Black Drum fish in the waters as well.

If you are looking for the right bait for your weekend trip to Bluffs Landing we would have to recommend the Peeled shrimp.

Visit our website at for our up coming events in 2009.

Be sure and call ahead for your Holiday reservations at the Lodge. We are filling up FAST!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Fishing Report 11/5/08

There are a lot of redfish, trout, flounder, and drum being brought in from the Baffin Bay/Land-cut area. Live shrimp are pretty much done with this season so Berkley Gulp artificial lures have become the bait of choice. Whether you are fishing with live shrimp or artificial you still want to work them under a popping cork. Flounder are starting to show up, but the run hasn’t started yet. Right now live finger mullet are great live bait for all species of being caught. As the weather continues to cool and the water temperatures drop the flounder with begin to migrate to the deeper channels to lay their eggs. We have lots of dead bait available right now so come get it while it’s dead!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fishing @ Bluffs Landing for Fall 2008

With Fall conditions upon us, fish will be dropping off into deeper pockets of water. Bait fish will be leaving the Laguna Madre as the water gets cooler from the cold fronts that are moving in. Live shrimp and perch are leaving the area also due to the temperature changes.

Artificial lures, Cut Mullet and dead shrimp are the bait of choice for the fall months.

Baffin Bay is still producing Red's and keeper Trout. Upper Laguna and some areas around Corpus Bay are producing Trout, Flounder, Red's and also some nice Sand Trout.

We are looking at our calendars and getting dates set for the larger tournaments. Trout Series, Baffin Bash and the first annual Roger Viar/Bluffs Landing Trout Tournament. As soon as these dates have been confirmed I will post them for everyone.

Our locks have been changed!

If you have stayed with us before you might have had the problem of getting locked out of your hotel room due to the weather effecting the card key. We replaced the card keys with regular keys now. You no longer have to worry about the locks getting weathered and not working. This is a very good thing for everyone!

Tis the season....

We have gift certificates for holiday giving. Just right for that" hard to buy for person" in your life. Please call Annette at the Marina (361-937-7101) to make these arrangements.

We would also like to say thanks to the AGC for having us at their annual convention in Austin TX. We had a great time and look forward to seeing a lot of new faces at Bluffs Landing this year.

Our Web cam is up and running again! Some times it is stubborn so you might have to refresh a couple of times till we get all the kinks out. So check it out at and click on the the webcam link and then the Here button NOT the picture we are still working on getting the picture linked up.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Excuse the mistakes

Sorry! Meant to save as draft to proof later and accidentally published the rough draft. Blog will be in better shape next week.

Bluffs Landing Fishing Report October 2008

As Summer comes to an end, the fall fishing begins. Weather patterns change everything as far as the fishing is concerned. Crocker and Pig Perch season comes to an end, feeding patterns change for all species of fish. As water temperatures drop all fish will be movinmg to deaper, warmer water to servive the dropping temperatures. Live shrimp comes to a hault.This is where knowledge comes in.

All species of live bate will exit the Laguna Madre for deeper channels. Hard heads, Perch and Finger Mullet don't have enough scales to protuct them from the tempeture dropping. this is good forfall fishing. Only the larger fish can servive the cold tempeatures, but they also move to deeper pockets of water. When temperatures drop in the fiftys these fish will lay on the bottom of the deep holes in a Dorment stage. Fishing Lures play a BIG part of fall fishing. these artificial baits muct be worked very slow to encourage the cold fish to react. Your baite willfeel lik ea Perch bite but the fish may be a large one.

Fishing in Baffin Bay and Land cut are is still pretty good. Trout, Flounder and Reds are being brought in by anglers.

Yarbrough pass is producing Trout and Reds. Emmords hole is holding alot of small Trout in sand pockets. Boat hole has numerous Red fish and Trout also lots of Flounder have showing up in the upper Laguna Madre.

Here is a Red fish Steve bartholomue cought just last week.

But don't worry guys and gals we are doing our best at getting rid of the compitition. Hehehehehe.....

Biologists are reporting good numbers of fish, But there is still a population shortage.

Ducks are showing up in good numbers for Duck season. Our guides are ready for hunting season! call ahead for Duck hunting reservations.

remember to visit our web site at Call ahead for your spring time, fishing and lodging. We have a group of proffessional fishing guides who can put you on good fishing.

Keep your hooks sharp!

For all you Dove hunters out there here is a GREAT recipie for cooking those Dove.

Mesquite Grilled Dove Wraps

24 Dove breasts
24 Jalapenos (halved and seeded to make 48 halves)
2 purple onions peeled and cut into 1 inch thick wedges
2 cakes of cream cheese (allow to sit out to soften for 1-2 hours

For the Brine

Fillet the breast meat from the breastplate. Place the fillet halves into a large bowl of ice water. They should be fully submerged. Add ½ cup salt to ½ gallon of ice water. Allow meat to sit for 1-2 hours. Pour off water and rinse the meat again with cold water.


In a mixing bowl, add to the cream cheese 1 tablespoon each od black pepper, garlic salt, and basil leaves.

Stuff a Jalapeno half with ¾ tsp cream cheese mixture. Place the breast on top of the cream cheese and place the purple onion on top of the breast. Wrap the pepper and breast with a half slice of bacon. Hold the bacon in place with a moist round toothpick. (Be sure to wrap tightly to hold in cheese.)

For the Baste

The baste will help to cook the bacon faster and keep the meat from over cooking and drying out.

1 Whole bottle of Syrah or Merlot wine
¾ jar of Jalapeno Kiwi Jelly
3 Tbs soy sauce
3 Tbs olive oil
1 Tbs Dijon mustard
3 tsp beef bullion
1 Tbs butter
1 Tbs black pepper
2 Tbs rosemary leaves, chopped coarsely
2 cloves of fresh minced garlic

Place all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat and reduce by ½ of volume.
Remove from heat.

Because they are small, delicate, and prone to flare ups on the fire, place the dove wraps indirectly over medium heat on the grill and keep it covered when not basting. Turn the wraps every 4-5 minutes and baste every time you turn until bacon is browned. Remove from grill to a platter and cover loosely with a piece of foil for approx. 7-8 minutes to rest the meat. Then remove the toothpicks and enjoy.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Whats happenin at Bluffs Landing

South Texas Dove Hunt/ Cast and Blast
Sept. 20-21


This years AWWC South Texas dove hunt is set for opening weekend September 20th. We will arrive Friday afternoon the 19th, and depart Sunday after lunch the 21st.

We are staying at Bluffs Landing Marina.

The early scouting reports are fantastic.

Some details are being finalized but the cost will be about $350.00 per person and this will include two days of hunting, two breakfasts, two lunches {sandwiches},two dinners, and a t-shirt.

We have rooms available at the Bluffs Landing Holtel. The first 10 people to reserve their spot will be in the lodge; the next 40 or so will be in the hotel.

All it takes is $100.00 to reserve your spot.

Please make your check out to AWWC Dove Hunt, and mail to:

Jimmy Cobb at 7703 Orangewood Circle Austin, Texas 78757

A few more details: Bluffs Landing is located on the south side of Corpus. We have 6,000 acres to choose from and I’m
working on an additional 6,000 acres.

We will be staying on the water but you do not have to fish; this just happens to be where the accommodations are located. Last year I had a group of 22 hunters. Some guys only hunted, and then some decided to fish and hunt. There will be some poker playing as well. Stay tuned for more details.

Jimmy can be reached at or call 751-1744.

Let’s have some fun!

Here we have Cheryl Hawkins taking her very first shot EVER.

"This is so much fun!!!!" -Cheryl


OCTOBER 1st - 31st, 2008








~~~~~Catch of the week~~~~~~

Greg Chafin with his big 30" Rojo caught Friday evening on a top water lure.

Fishing Report 9/1-7/2008

Its that time of year again, Hurricane season.

Unfortunately the Hurricanes bring wind shifts, rain showers and all kinds of different circumstances for fisherman to deal with, but if you can tough it out the fishing is well worth it. The fish still have to eat right?

Baffin Bay is producing lots of Redfish and Trout when using Piggie Perch for bait. If you go further north, Trout are being caught all the way to the Corpus Bay Front.

Bull Red's will migrate to the jetties to spawn. Some of these fish are in the four foot range.

We have plenty of Piggie Perch for everyone so call to make your bait, guide and hotel reservations today.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bluffs Landing Fishing Report August 2008

Attention to all Bluffs Landing VIP Members. We are very excited to have all of you in our VIP Club! We are working very hard on all of the finishing details for our very first VIP event coming up soon. We can't wait to see you all!

Limited VIP Memberships are still available, so if you missed our open house and would like more info please visit our website at or call Jimmy Cobb at 512-751-1744. You can also e-mail Jimmy at:

We would like to welcome all of the Ladies to the "Babes on Baffin All Women's Fishing Tournament" this weekend. We are going to have lots of babes and lots of fun!

Don't forget to sign up for our up and coming tournaments.
Our Red fish tournament in November and Bluffs Landing's very first Chili Cook-off and Horse Shoe Pitching contest. We'll have lot's of great food, fun and prizes!

There has been a lot of movement in the waters off Baffin Bay. We have been seeing alot of Trout that are 30" around the rocks. Piggie Perch are still the choice bait.

Trout, Red fish and Flounder are showing up in and around the upper Laguna.

Red Fish are moving north for the Spawning period. Red fish spawn or lay eggs around the jetty areas where there are lots of rocks for there fingerling to be hidden and survive to grow up big and strong for us.

Great catches and congratulations to Michael, EJ & Austin Archuleta! They came down to the Marina and had a blast! EJ and Austin are the son's of Karin Brauner in our corporate office. They caught 19 Trout and 2 Flounder and went home with some great fishing stories.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Get your fish on!

We wanted to say thanks to "The Outdoor Texas Camp" for coming to see us at the Marina. This is a youth camp that focuses on saltwater activities. These boys went kayaking, tied fishing flies & went on a guided fishing trip among other things. During the week they stayed with us, they brought in lots of fish and monster reds!! They all seemed to have a great time and we really enjoyed having them out and hope to see them again next year! Check out our web site for more pictures of these boys and there great catches.

Every one has been telling us all about the Trout and over sized large Reds they have been catching around the Baffin area.

Alot of people are also fishing in the shallow grass lines and are using piggies.

Our next big event is the Babes on Baffin all women's fishing tournament.
It's October 4th and 5th. So get ready lady's!

I will leave you all today with a bit of art we found in Kris's corner. BBQ and fishin, life can't get much better than that!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Hope everyone has had a great week and is ready to have an even better weekend!

Looks like there is a chance of rain today but Saturday and Sunday are looking sunny and in the 90's "Great fishing weather!"

For anyone that will be in Austin or can make it to Austin this Tuesday August, 5th stop on by for our Bluffs Landing open house. We will be serving great food and drinks. This event will be held at 600 Congress on the 21st floor between 6-8pm. This is a great chance for us in the corporate office to get know to meet our fellow fishermen. We will be talking about events that we will be hosting and also our V.I.P. membership that we are so excited about.

The fish are still biting like crazy so good luck to all and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fishin at the Bluff in July 2008

Ok, I am going to start this week off with a bit of movie Trivia.

In the movie "Castaway" star Tom Hanks removes his own tooth with:
a) a pair of crab tongs
b) a pair of pliers
c) a pair of socks
d) a pair of ice skates

You can find the answer at the end of this report.

So.... Fishing has really picked up on The Laguna Madre. BIG catches of Trout and some real nice Redfish. The Red's are ranging in size from 20" to 44". Large Trout are being caught down around Baffin Bay.

Wade fishing seems to produce better numbers of Flounder than the boats this last week or so but the boats are still producing great numbers as well.

For bait right now Croaker are very slow for some reason and live shrimp are few and far between. Mostly on the weekends Piggy Perch seems to be in good numbers. Piggy Perch grunt just like Croaker. This makes them a great target for all species.

Remember we offer professional guides for hire. Inshore & offshore.

Offshore fishing is off to a great start! Snapper, Ling, Dolphine, Shark, Amber Jack and King Fish are being caught.

We are also selling Ribon fish, Bay-hoo and Squid.

Stay with us on your next visit to Corpus Christie for Lodging, Food and a great fishing adventure.

We offer a full line of information for you and at no cost!

Since everyone has probubly heard about Hurricane Dolly, I decided to get you a little forcast together to insure you a great fishing trip. Looks like she isn't going to bother us much and next week is nothing but sunshine!

Have a great week!

The answer to the trivia question this week is D "Well it was only one ice skate (along with a rock) to bang it out."

Join us again next week for more Trivia!

Here is your 6 day forcastTomorrow
Jul 23

Details T-storms
Hi: 88° Lo: 78°

Day: Occasional thunder with heavy rain showers. High 88F, humidity 65%. Winds E at 40 to 45 mph. Air Quality: Good, UV Index: 9
Night: Occasional thunder with moderate rain showers. Low 78F. Winds E at 25 to 30 mph.

Jul 24

Hi: 88° Lo: 78°

Occasional thunder with moderate rain showers. High 88F and low 78F. Winds E at 20 to 25 mph. Air Quality: Good, UV Index: 12

Jul 25

Hi: 89° Lo: 76°

Chance of thunder with moderate rain showers. High 89F and low 76F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Air Quality: Good, UV Index: 12

Jul 26

AM Rain
Hi: 92° Lo: 75°

Mostly clear skies. High 92F and low 75F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA

Jul 27

Hi: 93° Lo: 75°

Sunny skies. High 93F and low 75F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA

Jul 28

Hi: 93° Lo: 76°

Sunny skies. High 93F and low 76F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA

Friday, July 11, 2008

It was a wet one but a great one!

If anyone skipped out this past weekend you sure did miss alot. We had rain but "man-o-man" did we have some good hauls of fish! The 4th was a blast, our guides went out Saturday and Sunday and they didn't even have to go too far away from the Marina to catch the big ones.

Here is our very own Kathy Akin with a whopping 27 inch 7 pound Speckled Trout.

Her family was taken out by Captain Steve Jorden, her son inlaw also caught a Trout that was 27 1/2 inches and 8 pounds!!!!

Janis Lindeman was celebrating her July 4th Birthday with husband Harvie and good friends, Captain Randy Pryor and his wife Jackie. Her Birthday present to her self was catching this 27 inch trout!

Here is another set of handsome gentlemen with there fantastic catches from this weekend. Great Job!!

I'm sure everyone is singing, "Rain rain go away, come again some other day". Well looks like you are in luck. Friday - Monday looks to be clear Skies in the mid 90's with a chance of clouds on Sunday but I think we are clear of rain for now.

Remember to call in you orders for live Croacker, the fish are still eating them up like crazy! Please call (361)937-7101 or make any other reservations online at

Everyone have a great weekend and catch some fish...........

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Fishing Report June 30, 2008

Fishing still remains good with good catches of trout using croaker.

This is 7 yr old Mathew Seymore the Third. Captain Rick Loveday took out Mathew, Grandpa and dad out on June 9th. Mathew also caught 2 over sized reds, 2 legal reds and several of their 30 trout. Good job Seymore family!!!

It has been a slow year so far for croaker because Mother Nature steps in sometime to slow the process of evolution.

Redfish are moving north towards the jetties to spawn.

Live shrimp are available and Piggy perch will be here soon. These are as good as using live croaker, mullet or any other baitfish.

Don't forget to make you'r reservations @ for July 4th! "This Friday!"

And remember to be safe and stay out of trouble you don't want to end up like Jimmy!

"Some times even us at the office have too let loose every once in awhile :)"



Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fishing remains at an all time high on the coast! Trout are being caught EVERYWHERE!
Redfish are stacking up in the nine mile hole.

Croaker is the way to go when choosing your bait

Upper Laguna is producing Trout everywhere and also has scattered Red's.

Remember to call in your Crocker reservations and pick up time is no later than 7am.

Make your reservations now and come celebrate Independence day with us on Friday the 4th of July!

Monday, June 16, 2008

June Fishing!

Before I go on about how wonderful the fishing is at Bluffs landing. I first have to congratulate Sir. Stinkerton. Stinky graduated top in his class this week, so as a graduation present to him we are taking him fishing at Bluffs landing. "He loves chasing the pelicans and eating at Laguna Beach Restaurant" So why not gather up all the graduates you know and come celebrate with us!

Back to our fishing.........

Upper Laguna Madre has been the hot spot this week. Live Croaker are still the bait of choice and we have plenty of them!

If your fishing for Trout you need to be around the Pure oil Channel and Emmords Hole.

If it's Redfish you are looking for head for the Night Hawk area.

Don't forget to call ahead for your bait reservations, we have lots of Live Shrimp and Crocker available.

And remember we offer fishing guide and lodging packages.

We are having the seventh annual Marco Pena Memorial Fishing Tournament to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation this weekend June 20-21 at Bluffs Landing Marina.

Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. June 20 at Bluffs Landing with live music, barbecue, big-fish pot, T-shirts and silent auction.

Saturday fishing hours are 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., with music, awards and shrimp boil to follow.

Entry fee is $40 for adults and $20 for children 12 and younger.

Have a GREAT WEEK and Good luck catching those fish!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fishing Report 6/11/2008

Fishing has really picked up around the grass lines in Emmords hole and back into Nighthawk. Redfish have been spotted around Spoil Island in the Boat hole as well.

With the SE winds pushing 15-20mph nearly everyday, the bait fish are being pushed up on the West shoreline. With this going on it makes a great area to get out of the boat and wade for bigger fish.

This past weekend we enjoyed hosting the McCoy's group, who took out 25 boats and brought back nearly 800 lbs. of Trout, Redfish and Flounder! It was a great weekend of fishing!

Main Street Home's annual fishing trip. Proud angler with the largest Redfish.

27.7” Red Caught from Bluff’s Landing

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Fishing Report 6/03/08

Check out Kris's new favorite fishing technique......

Another great weekend of fishing at Bluffs Landing! The Redfish and Trout are still coming in from the Land-cut, Yarbourgh Pass and the Baffin Bay area and let me tell you they are biting like crazy!

Croaker is the bait of choice right now. Night Hawk, Emmond's Hole and the Pure oil Channel are producing LIMITS of Trout along with Redfish. "Yummy!!!!"

As the winds lay look for Redfish around Spail Island.

We have plenty of LIVE CROCKER on hand but if you want to make sure we have enough for you and your friends give us a call and make Bait reservations also call us for any booking of fishing guides, Lodging or Company tournaments. (361)739-2764 or

Don't forget to check out the VIP memberships they are going fast and trust me you really dont want to miss out!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Fishing Report 5/30/08

We have been working so hard here at the corporate office we decided that we needed a new employee so I would like everyone to meet the newest member of our team Sir. Stinkerton "Stinky for short" But enough about us lets get down to the up coming fishing events.

Exciting things are happening at Bluffs Landing!!! We had a great turn out for "The Third coast fishing tournament" last weekend. And we are proud to be a part of the San Antonio Masonry tournament that will be held here at our beautiful Bluffs Landing Marina this weekend.Unfortunately this is a private tournament but if you would like to book your own tournament with us we would love to have you just call Roger (361)549-7546 or Annette (361)739-2764 and they will be glad to set up any event or Tournament you can think of.

We are having a great year so we decided to add something new for you guys and gals to get in on. We are now offering VIP memberships. This VIP membership is such a great deal that we are only offering 100 spots so check out out new VIP link on our home page and sign up before its too late!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Fishing Report May 20, 2008

The north wind held fishing to a challenge this weekend. Fish were still caught in the Land-Cut and Baffin Bay. Fishing remains slow in the upper lagoon. Trout and Reds were showing up in the Boat Hole close to the Bayfront. Croaker is off to a slow start and we are catching small baits, but the summer always starts off this way. June will produce 3 to 4 inch croaker, which are the perfect size for fishing! So come on down to the Bluffs Landing Marina and see what you can catch!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bluff's Landing Marina Fishing Report 5/12/2008

Bluff’s Landing Marina Fishing Report 5/12/2008

Bluff’s Landing Marina was host to the American Energy Fishing Tournament this past weekend. This was a pretty big tournament with 62 boats entered to fish this event. They held the Calcutta on Friday night and fished on Saturday. For those who don’t know a Calcutta is where you have to catch a redfish, trout, and flounder. If you don’t catch all three of these fish you are out the money. There were also prizes for individual in the redfish, trout, and flounder divisions. The Calcutta paid out $19,000 for 1st place, $11,000 for 2nd, and $9,000 to 3rd place.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Summer is here!

May 6, 2008
Bluffs Landing Fishing Report

Well summer is here and the fish are really biting! Catches of trout and flounder are coming in from the land-cut. Tide runners are really fat and full of roe. Redfish are being caught in Baffin all the way up the King Ranch shoreline. Nighthawk is holding keeper trout and redfish. Croaker season has started slow with water temperatures still holding in the 70 degree range. There is plenty of live shrimp available. Please call ahead for reservations at 361-937-7100.

Summer is here!

May 6, 2008
Bluffs Landing Fishing Report

Well summer is here and the fish are really biting! Catches of trout and flounder are coming in from the land-cut. Tide runners are really fat and full of roe. Redfish are being caught in Baffin all the way up the King Ranch shoreline. Nighthawk is holding keeper trout and redfish. Croaker season has started slow with water temperatures still holding in the 70 degree range. There is plenty of live shrimp available. Please call ahead for reservations at 361-937-7100.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fishing Report April 28, 2008

Our Gulf Coast weekend was interrupted by some cooler temperatures and much needed rain. The rain is important to our Laguna Madre, it keeps the saltwater levels in check. High salinity levels are not good for the eco systems. Despite the wind and rain, good catches of Redfish, Trout, Black Drum, Sheephead and Flounder were brought in from the Landcut. Baffin Bay is still holding a good pattern for large trophy trout. If you don’t want to travel that far, you can fish Emmords Hole and north to Nighthawk for Redfish. You can find Redfish and Trout under the high-lines. The Packery Channel is holding trout from the Gulf trying to come in the bay system to spawn. Don’t forget, croaker bait will be available starting May 1, 2008.

Please call ahead to reserve your bait. Call the Marina at #361-937-7100

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bluffs Landing Fishing Report April 23, 2008

Well, we had another great week of fishing down here at Bluff’s Landing Marina. Fishing in the Land Cut has improved as trout are coming in from the Gulf of Mexico to lay their eggs. These fish will weigh a pound or so more than they usually would. We’ve seen a lot of redfish coming out of the Nine Mile Hole because the water is falling out. Baffin Bay is still producing plenty of redfish and trout while the King Ranch shoreline has been holding nice sized redfish.

On the 18th of May we will be hosting a fundraiser for Cheryl Corson. Cheryl is the daughter of Lacy Smith, a longtime friend and resident of Flour Bluff. Cheryl has undergone two kidney transplants. All proceeds donated will go to Cheryl and her family for mounting medical bills.
We will have ten BBQ teams competing along with a fish fry and Cajun craw fish boil! It doesn’t get any better than that! There will be a little something for everyone so come on out to Bluffs Landing Marina and enjoy good food, cold drinks, and lots of good friends!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bluffs Landing Marina Fishing Report April 17, 2008

Bluffs Landing Marina Fishing Report

April 17, 2008

Fishing has gradually improved due to the decrease in wind. The wind speed has dropped from around 25 mph to around 10 to 15 mph. We’ve seen a lot of tide runner trout and redfish coming out of the Land-Cut. Tide runner trout are trout coming inland from the Gulf of Mexico to spawn. You can spot them by the bright yellow color in their mouths. Baffin Bay is still producing very nice trout, redfish, and black drum for the wade fishermen. Upper Lagoon, Pure Oil, Emmords Hole, and the Boat Hole are also full of fish! Live shrimp has been the bait of choice so far this season. Crocker season begins May 1, 2008. Make sure to call ahead to reserve your bait, lodge, or guide for the 2008 season!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Bluffs Landing Marina Fishing Report April 7, 2008

Bluffs Landing Marina Fishing Report

April 7, 2008

What a beautiful weekend we had at Bluff’s Landing Marina and Lodge! Our weekend began Friday with the Texas Redfish Series arriving at the marina for their fourth redfish event in the Corpus Christi area. One hundred and twenty-five teams of redfish anglers competed for a $12,000.00 first place prize. Teams could weigh in two live redfish between 20 and 28 inches. The weigh-in began at 2:00 p.m. and the anglers had to be in sight of the marina by 4:00 p.m. sharp! One hundred and twenty-five redfish were weighed and put in holding tanks. They were later returned to the original waters they came from. The first day, the weigh-in was at Bluff's Landing and day two was held at the new “H.E.B. Plus” located in Flour Bluff. Out of the 125 teams that entered, only 50 teams were allowed to fish during day two. I took a lot of pictures of the event, so check out our web site at, to view them.

Aside from the redfish tournament we had a ton of anglers competing for “diner table catches.” I can’t tell you how many full boxes of trout and redfish were brought in. After witnessing the fish caught over the weekend there is no doubt that Baffin Bay is still holding plenty of nice trout and reds. On a side note the wade fishermen seem to be bringing in the best fish. Now if you’re looking for the perfect spot to bring in some keepers try Rocky Slough and Pensecol Point. These two areas are producing trout, reds, and a few flounder. King fish were also being caught in the surf about three miles out. The Boat Hole was holding a lot of keeper trout and oversized redfish. Other local action has also included redfish and trout on live shrimp as well as artificial bait. Speaking of bait, live croaker will be here May 1, 2008, so mark your calendars!
The summer is upon us here at Bluff’s Landing and we are having a great one so far! There were over 700 people here on Saturday and 500 plus people here on Sunday. What a great start for the summer! From all of us here at Bluff’s Landing Marina thank you, and don’t forget to visit our web site at, for everything Bluff's Landing Marina and Lodge has to offer. Please call ahead for your bait and lodging.

Thank you!


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Fishing Report April 3, 2008

Bluffs Landing Weekend Report

March 31, 2008

What an exciting weekend! The biggest Trout fishing tournament on the Texas coast, (The Baffin Bay Bash), was held this past weekend at Bluff’s Landing Marina & Lodge. There were Eighty-nine teams of hard-core wade fishermen; they competed for a first place prize of $10,000.00. We had a lot of sunshine, lots of people, and lots of fun over the weekend. You won’t find a better place for your family or corporate events. Bluff’s Landing Marina & Lodge can create a plan that will work for all your needs, whether it is hunting, fishing, kayaking or kite and/or wind surfing. Please go to our web site at, for pictures of these events, you can also find more information on the many tournaments held here at Bluff’s Landing Marina. This coming weekend is the Texas Redfish Series tournament. There will be 125 teams competing for top prizes; one is to bring in the largest red fish alive. Each team will weigh in two redfish between 20 and 28 inches. If you are in the area, stop by for some fun and great food. Hope to see you this weekend! -Roger

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fishing Report March 26, 2008

Bluffs Landing Weekend Report

March 24, 2008

Easter weekend began on Thursday with a lot of activity at the Marina. The weather was great and we’ve seen a lot of people coming out to fish. We had a group of people staying here at Bluff’s Landing for three days of fishing. The first day they went out it was slow due to the full moon. Friday however the fishing really turned on! Box after box of Trout, Reds, and Drum were brought in to the docks.

Calvin Neale brought his sons fishing along with a friend of the family. They fished hard for three days. Their final day of fishing was really good, and they had a great time out on the water!

The weekend starting March 28th is going to be really great! The Baffin Bay Bash tournament will be held here at Bluff’s Landing Marina. This tournament is all about catching huge Speckled Trout. The rules state that two fish can be over 25 inches, but the third fish must be less than 25 inches due to state law. The teams receive extra points if the fish are kept alive. So come on out for a lot of fun, sunshine, and great food at the Laguna Reef Restaurant. These tournaments are always a lot of fun!

Have a great day from Bluff’s Landing Marina and Lodge!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fishing Report March 17, 2008

Bluffs Landing Weekend Report

March 17, 2007

Our weekend started with clear skies on Friday morning. By 10:00 AM the parking lot was at maximum capacity. By 12:00 noon the whole marina was full! Guests were arriving for the hotel and people were everywhere. Nine fishing guides were on the water with customers eager to catch a lot of fish. They started returning around 2:00 PM with coolers full of fish. Nice catches of large Redfish, 6 lb to 7 lb trout, drum to 28 inches, flounder up to 18 inches. (see pictures) Onlookers gathered to see what catches were coming in. Lots of ooh’s and ah’s.

Saturday’s weather was better yet at 95 degrees, clear skies and plenty of people. Once again we were at maximum capacity. Jerry B’s Kayaks were holding kayak demos until 4:00 PM on the grassy point. Lots of people came for the free demo ride. Winds shifted to the N/E at 8 miles per hour and fishing was good. The Barometric Pressure will change the feeding pattern for most fish. Still nice boxes of fish were brought in.

Sunday’s weather was overcast with 10 to 20 mile per hour winds from the southeast.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008