Monday, August 27, 2007

Schools of Redfish!

Trout and Redfish are good in Baffin Bay all the way to Emmords Hole.

Schools of Reds hve been found from Emmords Hole to the Bay Front.

Shamrock Cove is holding good supplies of Trouts and Reds

BAIT - Gulp Lures, Gold Spoons and live Piggy Perch have been succesful over the past few weeks.

Bluff's Landing has white shrimp - 12-18 count size..

Call 361-937-7100 to reserve your..

Friday, August 24, 2007

Trout and Redfish in the Upper Laguna

Happy Friday to Y'all!

Trout and Redfish have been abundant in the Upper Laguna Madre this week.
Piggy Perch is still the bait of choice.

It seems the Reds are migrating to the jetties for their annual spawn.

Fishing has been slow down South in Baffin and the Land Cut.

As always - RESERVE YOUR BAIT! - 361-937-7100!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Dean Missed us and the Fish are back!

Hurricane Dean seems to have decided to stay to the south and it bodes well for the fishing in the Laguna Madre.

The fishing has improved over the last week with catches of Reds and Trout in the Upper Laguna Madre.

Bait of choice is Piggy perch, Live Mullet and berkley Gulp Shrimp.

Call ahead for your bait resevations - 361-937-7100

Friday, August 17, 2007

Erin and The Trout Down South!

How's this for a couple of BLM Employees fishing with Capt Warren Hart!

Well, just when we thought the rain was gone for a while.. Somebody invited Tropical Storm Erin to the party. After battening down the hatches at Bluff's Landing on Wednesday - Erin got the wrong directions and proceeded to dump copius amounts of rain on Houston and San Antonio but not much at Bluff's Landing.

This week, several trout and a few reds in the upper Laguna Madre around the Boat Hole to Emmords Hole on piggy's & croakers.

Bigger fish being caught far south in Baffin bay & the land cut. With the rain this week it has been off and on.

Today (Friday) we have seen a dozen or so medium size trout. If the weather holds for the weekend the fishing should be fair. The croaker are really getting big a hard to keep alive, so most anglers are using piggy perch.

Call to reserve your bait for this weekend.

Stay Safe during the Storm Season

Friday, August 03, 2007

What a Scorcher!!!

Everyone grab your hats and sunscreen!

Today was a scorcher with the wind East/SE at10-11 mph and with a heat index of 101.

Everyone came back from their trips with a great sigh of relief after entering the cool air conditioned Bait and Tackle Shop at Bluff's Landing and headed straight to the cooler for an ice-cold beverage.
Fishing has been excellent for trout and redfish this week at Port Mansfield, the Land Cut, and Baffin Bay, using croaker and piggies.

The fish seem to be moving slowly north and the guides don’t have to travel as far south for fish.

They are also finding trout and reds in the Upper Laguna Madre and catching Kingfish, Ling, Dolphin, and Snapper in the Gulf.

The customers are all coming back from their trips with big smiles on their faces as they go to the cleaning table to have their fish cleaned, bagged and ready to take home.